Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trip Preparations!

We can't believe we are almost leaving! It has been a very busy summer with all the preparations for the trip, workshops, fundraising events, and normal summer activities. While some of us have traveled in the past, others have not been out of the country or even on a plane. Below are some details on how we have been preparing both physically and mentally for the trip to China!

I have been preparing for the China trip by reading up on current international events and politics. I find that I have learned about China’s history and see China in a new way. What we see in movies and other media isn’t always the way things are. Also, the Mandarin mp3s that were provided are very helpful in teaching me the basic greetings and words. But most of all the Katrina Brown video has been extremely helpful in teaching me the etiquette required in China.

Claudia Coria-Luna

Mentally I’ve been telling myself that it’s going to be very hot and a positive attitude will be essential to make of this trip a great adventure and experience. I will try to do my best to understand and respect all of the other students and staff participating in this trip because it will be the first time that many of them will be over sea and far away from home. I’ve been getting ready physically by making appointment with my doctor and making sure that I have all of the vaccines that I need before I visit China. Last week I got vaccinated with Hepatitis B and H1N1. I really hope to enjoy this trip and the best way for me to achieve that goal is to stay healthy.

Julissa Oquendo

Preparing for the trip for me includes developing an awareness of where I will be traveling to and being informed of cultural norms by reading and talking to people who have done international travel and gather advice from them. Also shopping/packing, getting clothing that will work best for the climate and keep me cool and getting good walking shoes is very important. I found out at the 3rd workshop from the guest speaker that the walking distance of the Expo is roughly from Madison to Janesville.

Mentally I have just been trying to stay calm and relax and not get overwhelmed with the thought of the unknown and try to embrace the new experience before me.

Antonette Guider

I have been preparing physically for this trip to China by working out at the Natatorium with Ravanna Bonds El everyday(Monday-Friday) from 9am-11:30am, as well as playing basketball with a group of middle aged men as well as the students from the Summer Collegiate Experience. I would say I'm well prepared physically for this trip.
Mentally, it's a different story. The 16 hour (or what ever it is) flight is going to be very brutal. I've never been in the same car or plane for more than 4 hours. It'll be very interesting. Also being jet-legged when we arrive to
China and when we get back to Madison. I'm a little worried because school starts a couple days after we get back and I don't know how my sleep schedule is going to be. Overall, I'm very excited for this trip and cannot wait to get there.

Dan Torres

I've definitely started my packing list and my shopping list! I've also been reading blogs about the World Expo, as well as travel Web sites and travel books about visiting China at Borders. I want to have a wonderful, positive experience while I am there and so am preparing mentally for the heat and probably exhaustion (on the plane and at the Expo, especially).

Cristina Springfield

I have been preparing for this trip for a while now, both mentally and physically. I am preparing by taking everything in and thinking a lot about what I will be experiencing and my role as UW ambassador. I have spent a lot of time looking at the World Expo website; that site is incredible. It has allowed me to understand what I should expect once we are there. Physically, I have been running a lot to not be too tired when we are doing a lot of walking at the Expo. I have also shopped for clothes to keep me cool in the anticipated hot/humid weather in China.

Cristina Barrera

I've been preparing for China in few ways. Financially, I have been working A LOT to make sure I have enough money saved so I won't be restricted on activities due to financial burdens. Mentally, I've been doing lots of reading from required readings, to daily news and tour books about China. This week I will be having dinner with two Chinese friends to kind of have an idea on what to expect, what to avoid, and/or what to explore. I also want to ask them historical questions to possibly understand the Chinese government and culture a little more. I've been listening to first-hand experiences from students and staff that provide details on what to expect. Physically, I've continued running so I won't be tired at the Great Wall. I want to be able to really enjoy the tour and not have to worry about getting tired from all the walking. I've also been taking my vitamins to have a strong immune system :)

Daniela Moody

Yes, I have been preparing for the trip. I have been reading articles relating to China and I think the work CAE is having us do is doing us a great service in our preparations. I am very confident that all will go well and smoothly since I perceive myself as being open-minded to learning new things. There is only so much that speakers and books can provide to a the traveler. I feel that with my positive outlook that I have prepared myself greatly for what is to come. I take every experience for what it’s worth and I know this trip will have a profound impact on my studies and overall experience throughout college.

Adam Lopez

Most of my preparation has come from the workshops. I have been keeping notes on ideas I should remember when I am in China. I have read several articles dealing with different topics in China. Going to China feels unreal because it will be my first time out of the United States. I have been looking at language guides that describe useful words and phrases. I can only do so much before I leave for China, but I know I will not be able to imagine what it will be like in China. I am very excited to be visually overloaded with the environment that I will see.

Saeng Douangdara

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